Thursday, 17 February 2011

ActionPlan + ProgressReport 14/02/2011

Progress Report: This week we have shooted our bullying scenes again; last time we had a problem with the sound. We have experimented with different shots of the same scene; so we have a vairety to choose from.

Action Plan: We just need to start filming the 'possessed' scene at Mohammed Rahman's house as we needed more shots to choose from. We haven't yet filmed our 'rape' scene as we need Sital for the scene. Therefore we have no choice but to shoot that after the half term.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Action Plan

Action plan for next week

Our action plan for next week is to be finishing of our production work such as the bitches scene which are the school scenes to be done in the last week of school.  Also to do more research on various trailers in order to pick up more techniques which can be used in our production such as the camera angles and movements etc.

What Went Well...Even Better If

What Went Well (WWW)

  • Progressing on our production such as recording clips inside and out of school
  • Getting the right props for the production
  • Recording our main scene of our production work which was the possessed scene
Even Better If (EBI)
  • We recorded our final clips of the bitches scene
  • More trailers were analysed
  • Research on english film studios

Progress Report and Action Plan - Kevin / Week Starting 14th Feb

This week I did some trailer analysis on a movie trailer called asylum. Furthermore , I did various amount of blog work from typography ideas to video transition ideas which would help our group during our editing period.

For this week and next week I plan to get the majority of the filming complete so our group will have the half term to go over the clips and see where in the trailer it would appear.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Action Plan + Progress Report:

Progress Report: Last week we got many different shots of the 'bitches' bullying our protagonist; however some of the shots didn't come out as expected due to the sound and lighting. The rest of our group filmed at our friends house, for when our protagonist turns loco; i couldnt make it due to the fact that i was ill : ( .  However we made a lot of progress, although our shots were rough we now have experience of how we should film.

Action Plan: This week we plan to carry on filming the scenes without Sital involved and will catch up with her scenes when she arrives from India! We will also try experimenting different types of shots; to get a variety to choose from. We will be filming with the 'bitches' and try doing the mental scene again.

To Do List while Sital's away :D By Sital

So guys as you know I won't be here so I thought I'd help you out just a tad.

Since my word isnt working I can't make a table but here you go:
-Get the "Bitches" Shots again.
Like when she walking along te corridor and they laugh and she runs out.
Also re do those shots of the stairs when we was outside, our first filming at lunch.
-Redo the screaming scene at rays, or if you can't what I was thinking is that we just record a scarem and "dub " it over dring editing
Most important find a HOUSE LOCATION!

I think thats all for now. If I remember anything else, I'll try putting it up i we get internet over there :)

See You When I get Back

07/02/11Progress Report and Actiong Plan By Sital

Okay so these last week has been hectic. We had to jam a hell of a lot of filming into one week due to the fact I was going on hoilday. Talk about bad timing. We didnt stick to the schudal as palnned due to actors not showing up and the weather. However it was a productful week, and for one weeks worth of footage we did well as a group.

Now as I am going, The group needs to redo few shots and just finish touch ups on the footage we have. When I come back we will finishes off our filming which will make us a week behind but it'll mean we will have to work extra hard.

Possessed Scene Make up and Costumes By Sital

This was the second most important scene in our trailer as it was the turning point, to make everything look more realistic we had to think about the me en scene as a lot would have happened before the actual scene.

We needed to make it look like "Dilli" had just been raped so we rubbed the top in mud and tore bits in. The reason we picked white is because before all this she was clean, pure, innocent. But after the rape she would have been tainted, dirty and the inncoence ripped from her. Hence why we hadd rips and dirt, to her costume.

Dilli needed to have some sort of marks to show her struggle. So we used eye liner and lipstick to make it look like she was badly hurt during this act.
Make up-adding the bruises
This was Dilli's look before she became possessed and after the rape. The torn clothes and bruises. We kept her outfit simple as it would reflect that it is the same girl from before.

This was our last detail to dilli's character.We were planning on using red contacts but we changed to white because they suited our genre more, of being possessed. The white in her eyes shows she has nothing left in side her, and loneliness has taken over her. Also if we refered back to some of our trailers, the protagonist, who is possessed would normally hav lifeless white eyes. Therefore our reason to change to white was signficant.

While We Filming By Sital

We needed different shots and one of our shots was a birds eye shot and had e faced many problems in trying to work out how we got this shot, together as a team we were able to over come them.

This was during our class rooms scene and it was a long shot, to show everyone and everything within the frame.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

5 Clips of our filming- By Tanveer (Filming by whole group)

This is one of our corridor shots. Its a point of view shot from our protagonist's view. This will be when the bullys are right in her face


This is after the rape scene. Where she is sleeping but having flash backs of her life in the past. This is the birds eye shot.

This is a close up shot of the protagonsit's eyes once she turned possessed.

This is a long shot to show her being bullying. It gives a clear view of her life.

This is our median shot, of while she having flash backs after the rape scene.

Locations! By Sonam

Here are a few shots of the locations that we have used already:

Progress Report / Action Plan - Kevin

This week I done some trailer analysis research and all this week our group were doing filming during lunch and after school.

Next week I plan to do some more trailer analysis research , and as Sital will not be here next week we will need to be more organised and film without her.

Blood Video By Sital (Filming by Kevin) And Pictures.

 We needed to make fake blood. So we researched how to make it and bought our ingredients. This was our results.
There are  few pictures shots we took in order to show what we did and explain better

This was our working station, The ingredients we used where, water, honey,and food colouring powdwer

This was our end result. Fake Blood which was the right amount of thickness and enough for two bags of blood. The reason we used a pencil was becase the food colouring stained.

We put the blood in to small food bag squares which I made with a large food bag scissors and tape.
We needed the blood to look as if it was her own so make make it look like she squeezed it from her hands we put the blood bag into her hand a as she squeezed it, it burst allowing the blood to come out and making it look as natural as possible.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Fonts and Film Reviews By Kevin

Film Reviews
‘’Blistering raw, utter compelling horror’’ – The Times
‘’Best British film of the century’’ – Big Issue
‘’Truly Remarkable (5 Stars)’’ – The Independent
Storyline Transitions
One Girl
This Halloween
You’re next
The Outsider
Gets Revenge
Font Ideas

Problems whilest Filming By Kevin

Problems Faced Whilst Filming
One of the conventions that most horror movies have is a low-key lighting throughout various scenes. However, we found it very difficult to do that as we do not have any facilities which would aid our group to record a dark scene with the best picture quality possible. We were put under pressure by the dusk/night time work we wanted to include in many of our shots but this couldn’t happen due to problems with lighting.
Inconvenient Filming Times:
Another issue that our group faced is that all members of our group has different free periods, therefore we would only be able to film either at lunch time or afterschool hours. This became an issue especially during lunch time as students who are not acting in our trailer decide to jump in front of the camera whilst we are filming which ruins the overall shot however sometimes it is useful as it shows the environment of the school in the shot but only when we are not getting interrupted.
The weather has been sunny lately which will go against the mise-en-scene of a typical horror weather however, we found that this is overall the best weather to film in due to a much better picture quality being processed, so this was not that much of a problem for our group.
Other Problems Faced:
We still have not created a ‘demonic symbol’ yet which is the main prop for our trailer and is a enigma code for our trailer to create a sense of mystery throughout the trailer. Therefore, we need to get or create a symbol soon as we are filming that scene very soon and need it ASAP.
Arguments is another problem as it wastes a lot of time during our filming  and it is hard to choose which kind of shot we are going for. We have solved this by filming every idea that our group has then we can decide after which shot we will go for.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Asylum Trailer Analysis - Kevin

This trailer is of a horror movie called Asylum. This has inspired our group’s production because we found that the use of different camera angles made the overall impression of the trailer much more frightening because it connoted different things such as the low angle shot of the house where it quickly escalated upwards to create a horrific view of the house. Furthermore, various quick cuts and close ups are used to show different characters who are in this movie and more importantly to show their facial expressions where it sends a message to the audience to wonder why are these characters frightened. Is it because of a serial killer that is after them?

 Furthermore, the use of pathetic fallacy at the starts also helps the audience identify with the horror genre as lightning and darkness is one of the conventions of horror movies. Therefore, this would be useful for our trailer as we can include something similar like this at the start of the trailer. The narration is also a good technique to communicate with the audience in a more direct way however, we believe that showing the stages of what happened in the trailer will be more effective as the audience gains much more of an insight of the protagonist and the story behind it.

Moreover, they have also used a character similar to our protagonist as they both become possessed and it is shown clearly in the trailer where we see the character on the bed, out of control of her actions therefore it will be useful for our group to have something similar to this as this is the most effective way of connoting a possessed character in horror movies.

Ideas For Trailer Transitions Between Video Images - Kevin

Here I looked at various different british film trailers to get an idea of what particularly should go in between the video clips that we put for the audeince to identify that this trailer is for a british film.For example , including a comment about the film from The Times would allow the audience to identify that it is a british newspaper giving the review hence establishing that the trailer is overall made by a british film company which goes hand in hand with primetime productions.

Moreover, this would give our group a idea to follow during our filming and editing process as we will need to know which segments of the trailer go where , suiting it with the transitions throughout the trailer.Furthermore, the final piece will beusing a professional software as this was made on Windows Movie Maker so the standards are not that high but it does give an idea of what is to be included.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Schedule for week begging 7th till 11th Feburay By Sital

Tues 8th
Lunch 12:30
·         The “Bitches”
o   Mariam
o   Lewis
o   Jodell
o   Brenda
o   Luke
·         Anita 
o   Daljeeta
School corridors
·         Playground
·         “Bitches” need to bring in own clothing
Bullying Clips/ Flash backs
Tues 8th
After School
·         Bad boy gang
o   Aftab
o   Karan
o   Jitjung
o   Leader
o   Swanti
·         Anita
o   Daljeeta
·         Ray
o   Mohammed
·  Sonam's house
Achole Bottles
·         School books/folders
·         White top (ripped)
The Rape scene
Wed 9th
After School
·         Anita
o   Daljeeta
·         Ray
o   Mohammed
Mohammed’s house
o   Bedroom
·         Fake Blood
·         Demonic symbol
Possessed Scene
Thurs 10th
After School
·         Bad boy gang
o   Aftab
o   Karan
o   Jitjung
o   Leader
o   Swanti
·         Anita
o   Daljeeta
Swanti’s house
o   Living Room
·         Games consol and game
·         Knifes
·         Fake blood
First Killing- The bathroom scene
Fri 11th
After School
·         Bad boy gang
o   Aftab
o   Karan
o   Jitjung
o   Leader
o   Swanti
·         Anita
o   Daljeeta
· Swanti’s House
·         Fake Blood
·         Ripped clothing
·         Knifes
Killing Clips- Different ways of all the boys being killed