Monday 14 February 2011

Possessed Scene Make up and Costumes By Sital

This was the second most important scene in our trailer as it was the turning point, to make everything look more realistic we had to think about the me en scene as a lot would have happened before the actual scene.

We needed to make it look like "Dilli" had just been raped so we rubbed the top in mud and tore bits in. The reason we picked white is because before all this she was clean, pure, innocent. But after the rape she would have been tainted, dirty and the inncoence ripped from her. Hence why we hadd rips and dirt, to her costume.

Dilli needed to have some sort of marks to show her struggle. So we used eye liner and lipstick to make it look like she was badly hurt during this act.
Make up-adding the bruises
This was Dilli's look before she became possessed and after the rape. The torn clothes and bruises. We kept her outfit simple as it would reflect that it is the same girl from before.

This was our last detail to dilli's character.We were planning on using red contacts but we changed to white because they suited our genre more, of being possessed. The white in her eyes shows she has nothing left in side her, and loneliness has taken over her. Also if we refered back to some of our trailers, the protagonist, who is possessed would normally hav lifeless white eyes. Therefore our reason to change to white was signficant.

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